- 匿名希望 様
- 投稿日:2024年11月18日
- 倉敷ニキ 様
- 投稿日:2022年11月07日
- Dave 様
- 投稿日:2022年09月10日
Very pleased with this purchase. I wasn't sure if I would like the feel of the rubberized grips, but I really do.
I was actually surprised to find that I like these dumbbells a great deal more than standard hex dumbbells, and, believe it or not, even more than very expensive foreign dumbells (Watson fat-grip rotating Dumbells from the UK) that I have. They seem to be well-made, and I hope that the rubber on the handles will last a long time.
Weights are expensive in Japan, and these are more expensive than some other options, but I think they are worth it. I have already placed a second order. I was so surprised that shipping was free. (I gave the delivery guy ice coffee because I felt bad for making him carry heavy stuff in the summer heat!)
- Dave 様
- 投稿日:2022年09月10日
Very pleased with this purchase. I wasn't sure if I would like the feel of the rubberized grips, but I really do.
I was actually surprised to find that I like these dumbbells a great deal more than standard hex dumbbells, and, believe it or not, even more than very expensive foreign dumbells (Watson fat-grip rotating Dumbells from the UK) that I have. They seem to be well-made, and I hope that the rubber on the handles will last a long time.
Weights are expensive in Japan, and these are more expensive than some other options, but I think they are worth it. I have already placed a second order. I was so surprised that shipping was free. (I gave the delivery guy ice coffee, because I felt bad for making him carry heavy stuff in the summer heat!)
- はやし 様
- 投稿日:2022年09月09日
- はやし 様
- 投稿日:2022年09月09日