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Delivery example [IRONWORKS GYM]

In October 2024, we installed 10 ELEIKO Prestera power racks, 18 adjustable benches, 160 dumbbells, 30 Olympic shafts, and a 2,400kg bumper plate at the IRONWORKS GYM at the U.S. military's Iwakuni Base.

The delivery was completed by a team of six from ELEIKO JAPAN over a period of three days, and with permission we are publishing footage of the work that was carried out over the three days.

The assembly of the equipment begins with the delivery of a huge number of parts packed in cardboard and wooden boxes.

We begin assembling the equipment that was brought in, with Kettlebell watching over the work.

The racks in the process of being assembled.

We also worked as a team to set up the dumbbells.

Check the assembled equipment carefully.

The completed 10 Prestera racks are a spectacular sight.

The rack is customised with numerous options.

Lever arm attachment.

It also comes with a flywheel attachment, which is rarely seen in Japan.

The dumbbell corner was set up with 160 dumbbells in 80 pairs.

Easy-to-use ladder-type adjustable bench

ELEIKO is the world's finest barbell, made from Nordic steel.

The kettlebells watched until the end.

Thank you to the elite ELEIKO JAPAN team for this photo!

It seems that in the past, training gyms on U.S. military bases were often bodybuilding-style facilities equipped with rows of machines, but in recent years they have been increasingly switching over to facilities that focus on free weight equipment and are more focused on improving practical physical abilities.

If you want to build a world-class free weight gym, contact MBC POWER!

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