ROGUE Echo Gym Double-Sided Timer
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3 items free shipping
Free shipping on purchases of 3 or more eligible items: Great shipping deals
The double-sided version of the Rogue Echo Gym Timer pairs with the Echo Floor Stand to provide nearly 360-degree visibility in the center of your workout space. This versatile device features two clear LED displays, convenient remote control, and dozens of pre-set and programmable interval settings for a truly customizable experience. If you prefer a traditional wall timer, the single-sided version of the Echo Gym Timer is also available.
The Echo Gym Timer 's display screen measures 25 1/4" x 8" and features bright, large 4" numbers that show red time and green rounds, making it visible from hundreds of feet away. This allows coaches, trainers and gym owners to easily program the timer for use by a large number of athletes at the same time.
You can store up to 10 custom programs in the timer, and with the included remote you can pause, mute or reprogram the timer from your work station. You can change the number of rounds, rest time, work time as you like, and even switch from countdown to count up. There are also several unique preset modes to get you started right away, including a "Tabata Timer" and a "Fight Gone Bad Timer."
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