SLINGSHOT Money Shot Slingshot
3 items free shipping
Free shipping on purchases of 3 or more eligible items: Great shipping deals
3 items free shipping
Free shipping on purchases of 3 or more eligible items: Great shipping deals
The Money Shot Slingshot® combines the best of the Reactive, Full Bore and Madog Slingshots in a slingshot perfect for lifters benching 350+ lbs. Designed with angled sleeves for a comfortable fit, accommodating larger biceps and making it easier to don and doff.
Level 4.5 material stiffness allows you to push 15-20% higher than your maximum strength, providing balanced support for your pressing movements. The angled construction reduces strain on your shoulders, elbows and chest while reinforcing proper form and activating assistance earlier in the lift.
Ideal for both volume training and max-effort benching, the Money Shot Sling Shot® is the ultimate choice for serious lifters looking to push their limits without the extra strain.
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